Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethan Frome Analysis Essay

Major themes in Ethan Frome include silence, isolation, illusion, and the consequences that are the result of living according to the rules of society. Wharton relies on personal experiences to relate her thematic messages. Throughout her life as a writer, Wharton would schedule the time that she wrote around social engagements and she did not readily discuss her writing. As a result, she was familiar with silence and isolation. The rules of society did not condone a woman who was a member of the upper class working, much less as a professional writer. Societal rules also frowned upon divorce. Wharton lived in a loveless marriage for years before she took a risk and divorced Teddy Wharton, her husband for almost thirty years. Throughout the novel Wharton focuses on silence as a major theme. In the introduction, the author describes her characters as â€Å"granite outcroppings . . . half emerged from the soil, and scarcely more articulate.† Each of the three major characters is encased in his/her own silence. Ethan, a quiet man by nature, returns to Starkfield following the death of his father to run the family farm and sawmill. Because he is too busy working to make small talk with the villagers and his sick mother stops speaking, Ethan becomes imprisoned in a â€Å"mortal silence.† He experiences a brief reprieve when Zeena arrives to care for his mother; but after his mother’s death and his subsequent marriage to Zeena, Zeena falls silent also. Communication between the couple is minimal and superficial. After Mattie’s arrival, Zeena forces a smothering silence on her also with her â€Å"fault-finding (that is) of the silent kind.† Ethan is able to share his passion for the wonders of nature with Mattie; however, when conversation takes a turn towards intimacy, silence returns and all Ethan can say is, â€Å"Come along.† The characters are unable to communicate with each other to di spel their own loneliness. It isn’t until Zeena forces Mattie to leave the Frome household that Ethan and Mattie express their feelings for each other. They abandon rational thought as they attempt to commit suicide and enter a silent hell in which the only verbal communication to be heard is Zeena and Mattie’s complaining. Isolation, another major theme in the novel, is not self-imposed before the tragedy that befalls Mattie and Ethan, but is enforced upon them by outside circumstances. Ethan tried to escape the isolation of Starkfield and his father’s farm by going off to the technological college at Worcester. He began to cultivate his own social traits and to overcome his reticence; however, his father’s death forced him to give up college and return to the farm and his ill mother. After his marriage to Zeena, Ethan is imprisoned by the farm, millwork, and caring for Zeena. He is physically isolated from the world at large and is also cut off from the possibility of any human fellowship that life in a village might afford. Mattie and Zeena are isolated characters also. Mattie is isolated by the deaths of bot h parents and the ill will of most of her relatives. She moves to the Fromes’, an unfamiliar farmhouse and, except for church socials, is cut off from contact with human beings other than the Fromes. Because Zeena is consumed by her many illnesses, she rarely leaves the farmhouse, and only speaks to Ethan and Mattie when voicing her complaints or demands. Because the attempted escape from isolation by Ethan and Mattie fails tragically, Ethan, Mattie, and Zeena are left to spend their lives in an isolation even more complete than that from which they tried to flee. Illusion, a false interpretation or perception, is an important theme in the novel. Illusion affords each of the three main characters a means of escape from the reality of the silent and isolated lives they lead. Ethan would † . . . imagine that peace reigned in his house† when Zeena stopped watching Mattie so closely after her arrival. He wants to believe that Mattie’s smiles and certain gestures are just for him. Ethan dreams of being with Mattie always; in fact, â€Å"he was never so happy with her (Mattie) as when he abandoned himself to these dreams.† The night that Zeena went to Bettsbridge, Ethan imagines them (Mattie and himself) sitting â€Å"on each side of the stove, like a married couple.† When Zeena insists that Mattie leave their household, Ethan tries to convince himself that Zeena will change her mind. His illusion about running away with Mattie fizzles when he faces reality — he can not afford one ticket, much less two. Mattie dreams of spending her life with Ethan. Ironically, her illusion becomes a reality. She does spend her life with Ethan, but as an invalid cared for by Zeena, not as Ethan’s wife, as she had imagined. Zeena’s illusions are unhealthy. Her hypochondria enables her to escape into self-pity and self-indulgence. The smash-up forces her to abandon her illusions of withdrawing from all her household responsibilities through the device of a hired housekeeper. The imprisonment experienced by an individual living according to the rules of society is a major theme inEthan Frome. The message that Wharton conveys through Ethan is that when people fear they are violating the rules of society, they risk becoming enslaved by those rules. Ethan doesn’t leave his wife because he feels bound by his marriage vows. He dreams about being married to Mattie; however, even as he writes his goodbye letter to Zeena, and subsequently talks to Mrs. Hale, his conscience does not allow him to follow through with his wishes. Instead, the rules of society rule his life and he remains entrapped in a loveless marriage. Symbols in Ethan Frome enrich the themes found in the novel as well as Wharton’s characterizations. A symbol functions literally as a concrete object and figuratively as a representation of an idea. Symbols allow writers to compress complicated ideas or views into an image or word. The most important use of symbolic imagery in Ethan Frome is the winter setting, which is first described in the prologue and is carried throughout the main story. Harmon Gow’s assessment of Ethan Frome early in the prologue is that he has endured too many Starkfield winters. From that point on, winter presides over the tragedy in all its manifestations of snow, ice, wind, cold, darkness, and death. The Narrator speculates that the winters in Ethan’s past must have brought about a suppression of life and spirit. Winter is also symbolic of the isolation, loneliness, and immobility that Ethan experiences. The name of the town, Starkfield, symbolizes the devastating and isolating effects of the harsh winters on the land and the men who work the land. The name is also symbolic of the stark and carefully composed prose Wharton used to write the story. Other symbols include the dead vine on the front porch of Fromes’ farmhouse that symbolizes the dead and dying spirits that inhabit the house and its adjacent graveyard, the farmhouse itself that has lost the â€Å"L† seems to be symbolic of Ethan (the house looks â€Å"forlorn† and â€Å"lonely†), it stands alone without support — isolated and lonely. The image of the butterfly, which has defied the cold and death of winter symbolizes freedom; freedom that Ethan is unable to attain because he is trapped in a loveless marriage. The cushion that Ethan throws across his study is the only cushion that Zeena ever made for him. Throwing it across the floor symbolizes his growing rejection of Zeena and his desire to run away with Mattie. Ethan thinks Mattie’s hair is one of her most beautiful features; it is symbolic of her free, happy, and open personality. Zeena’s hair, on the other hand, is always unattractively crimped and confined with pins, just as her personality seems pinched and constrained. The symbolic use of Mattie’s hair is more important at the climax of the novel, when it represents beauty and love, to which Ethan is willing to give his love — but can’t. The symbols used by Wharton in Ethan Frome reinforce the themes of silence, isolation, and entrapment; feelings that Ethan experiences i n his marriage. Wharton establishes patterns of imagery by using figurative language — language meant to be taken figuratively as well as literally. In Ethan Frome, Wharton’s descriptive imagery is one of the most important features of her simple and efficient prose style. Her descriptions serve a definite stylistic and structural purpose. The figurative language used by Wharton includes metaphors and similes. Metaphorscompare two unlike things without using words of comparison (such as like or as). For example, in the beginning of the novel, Wharton gives readers the feeling of the bitterness and hardness of the winter by setting the constellation, Orion, in a â€Å"sky of iron.† When Ethan and Mattie enter the Frome household after walking home, the kitchen has â€Å"the deadly chill of a vault after the dry cold of the night.† This image is appropriate to the living death that Ethan and Mattie experience in the years after their accident. Their lives do become cold and dead. The imagery associated with Zeena is bleak and cold also. When Ethan sees her before her trip to Bettsbridge, she sits in â€Å"the pale light reflected from the banks of snow,† which makes â€Å"her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless.† In contrast, the imagery associated with Mattie is associated with summer and natural life. Mattie’s change in mood reminds Ethan of â€Å"the flit of a bird in the branches† and he feels that walking with her is similar to â€Å"floating on a summer stream.† Later in the novel, when Ethan goes downstairs to tell Mattie that she will have to leave their house, their conversation has the effect of â€Å"a torch of warning† in a â€Å"black landscape.† Similes, comparisons of two unlike things that use words of comparison such as like oras, are direct comparisons that Wharton uses throughout the novel. At the beginning of the novel, Ethan’s perception of Mattie’s face is â€Å"like a window that has caught the sunset,† and later, he thinks her face seems â€Å"like a wheat field under a summer breeze.† As Ethan and Mattie walk home from the dance, Ethan reveals to Mattie that he had been hiding while she talked to Denis Eady. Wharton describes the moment when â€Å"her wonder and his laughter ran together like spring rills in a thaw.† The dead cucumber vine at the Frome farmhouse looks â€Å"like the crape streamer tied to the door for a death.† And, when Zeena tells Ethan that she should have sent Mattie away long ago because people were â€Å"talking,† the effect of her comment on Ethan is â€Å"like a knife-cut across the sinews. . . . † As Mattie and Ethan approach their crippling accident, darkness prevails over the imagery. Darkness comes, â€Å"dropping down like a black veil from the heavy hemlock boughs.† The b lack veil causes the reader to think of a funeral. Such figurative language evokes vivid images that reveal characterization and reinforce Wharton’s themes. Edith Wharton’s writing style is characterized by simplicity and control. Her choice of vocabulary and sentence structure, which is as stark as the lives led by her protagonists, is deceptive. Throughout the novel, Wharton builds up patterns of imagery, patterns of behavior, and specially charged words; all of which serve a definite stylistic and structural purpose. One of the best examples of Wharton’s careful control is seen in the descriptions of the events immediately before and after the â€Å"smash-up.† As Mattie and Ethan ride the sled down the hill, Wharton captures the initial thrill of the speed and then Ethan’s frenzied determination to drive them straight into the elm tree. Her prose slows down as she evokes Ethan’s return to consciousness. Not only in this example, but everywhere in the novel, her style is restrained, so that the way the words are arranged enhances their meaning without calling attention to the cleverness of the arrange ment. Because Wharton refrains from using unnecessary, superfluous modifiers, her descriptions seem to be almost elliptical or incomplete. She chooses adjectives and adverbs carefully and uses them infrequently. Her imagery is always appropriate to the limitations of her characters and is simply and subtly stated. For example, when Mattie and Ethan spend the evening together, Wharton uses the imagery of warmth and cold to complement characterization. She uses adjectives related to warmth when describing Mattie, and adjectives related to cold to describe Zeena. Other examples of elemental nature found in Wharton’s imagery are stars, the seasons, animals, vegetation, light, and darkness. Wharton’s use of structure contributes to the depiction of Ethan’s tragedy. The prologue and the epilogue, which take place some twenty years after the events of the main story, are written in first person from The Narrator’s point of view. Structurally, these portions of the novel constitute a â€Å"frame† around the story itself; however, this frame is more than a decoration. The prologue not only establishes the nature of theme and action, but also begins the characterization of Zeena and Ethan Frome. It also sets the important patterns of imagery and symbolism and starts a tone of omniscient narration throughout the body of the novel. Ethan is the only character who is thoroughly explored. Wharton’s attention to minor details and her use of structure to relay Ethan’s complicated and tragic life story to readers enables her to portray her characters as victims of the rules of society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

American Latinos: Cubans, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans

Three of the most dominant Latinos present in the American society today are the Mexican (66. 9%), Puerto Ricans (8. 6%) and Cubans (3. 7%) (Ramirez & Cruz, 2003, 20). Aside from the fact that all three groups speak Spanish, all share common cultural backgrounds that differ from the US mainstream society. For one, the Latinos are very family oriented and keep extended families at home (Driscoll et al, 2001, 255; Andersen & Collins). In most Latino families, grandparents live with one of their married children or married children live with their parents. Sometimes relatives also live with the nuclear family.Grandmothers played a significant role in the lives of Latino families, they help in raising their grandchildren and act as advisers. Latino parents also want their children to live with them until they get married. Such culture conflicts with the US mainstream society where independence and self-reliance is largely emphasized (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 263-265). Keeping an extende d family in the home is not popular in US culture; in fact, children are expected to leave their homes when they reach eighteen. Children who still live with their parents at that age are looked upon as dependent.Unlike Latino grandparents, older women in mainstream society exercised less power over their married children and more often than not suffer from depression due to an empty nest syndrome. Moreover, the prevalent individualistic culture of mainstream society in the US do not allow for too much dependence with other people even with their own family. The Americans worked hard in their entire life to support their old age. Unlike the old Latinos that were taken cared of in the home when they are sick, aged Americans are usually cared for in foster homes or hospices.Americans viewed too much dependence on others as a sign of laziness and irresponsibility (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 265). Latinos hold double standard for men and women. The honor of Latino family rest on the sexu al behavior of their women. Women must keep their virginity at all cost until marriage and be differential to men in their sexuality. Although Hispanics in the twentieth century may not hold the same strict sexual values, the tradition of maintaining virginity until marriage continues to be a cultural imperative.However, married women are supposed to accept a double standard for sexual behavior by which their husbands may have sexual affairs with other women. This double standard supports the Latino stereotype of machismo. Many males celebrated their adolescence by visiting prostitutes and their father, uncles or older brothers pays for sexual initiation. Adolescent females on the other hand hold debuts that emphasize their virginity (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 264-266).Unlike in US mainstream society, there is an equal standard on male and female sexual behavior, males and females are expected to give up their virginity at a young age around 15 or 16. Their peers ridiculed them if t hey are still virgins at 18. This difference in sexual behavior had caused tensions especially among American adolescents and female Latinas who were taught to keep their virginity at all cost. At present however, due to American cultural influence, younger Latinas now find themselves challenging traditional sexual mores (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 256).In Latin society, female concept of goodness is connected by their being a martyr or submissive to their husbands and to their family. Male superiority had its roots also in machismo. Adult males, however, gave a higher respect and reverence for their mothers. Moreover, in Latino families, women are traditionally regarded as homemakers, as much as possible they stay in the home to care for the family while the men provide for them. American cultural influence however changed the Latino culture especially as the Latinos become exposed to the independent and liberated behaviors of the Americans (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 265-266).II. Me xicans and Mexican Americans Due to American conquest of Mexico and the granting of US citizenship in 1848 through the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexicans became a part American society. In the years 1880’s and 1940’s, many of them migrated to America as laborers. Due to the proximity of America to Mexico, many entered the country as illegal immigrants (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 249). Like most Latino cultures, Mexican families are patriarchal in nature. Patriarchal families are important instruments of community life and nuclear family units are linked together through an elaborate system of kinship and god parenting.Women are regarded as subordinates to men and are expected to take care of the family while the men work to provide for them. Machismo is also a part of their culture, with men celebrating manhood through the conquest of many women and acting as superior. Mexican families also recognize extended family network, particularly the system of compadrezo or g odparenting. In Mexican society, godparents are an important factor that links family and community. Compadrezos are expected to act as guardians, provide financial assistance in times of need and to substitute in case of death.Because of their devotion to catholic faith and machismo, Chicanos do not approve of homosexuality (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 254; Driscoll et al, 2001, 256) In spite of the influence of American culture, racism, segregation and proximity to Mexico help the Chicanos (Mexican-American) to maintain some traditional family practices although the imposition of American law and custom ignored and ultimately undermined some aspects of the extended family. Wives are now exercising power over their husbands as they entered the workforce.Unfortunately, even though both work, most men do not help in household chores so that chicanas are prone to stress. . New generation Chicanos, on the other hand, demands independence like their US counterparts and most likely engaged in intercourse at a lower age (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 230; Spence, 2003). Since many of the Mexicans entered illegally in the US, many of them were not able o move freely in American mainstream society causing so much stress on their part. Like the rest of the Latinos, Chicanos are at risk for developing asthma, diabetes, and AIDS (Center for Disease Control, 2008).Illegal immigrants however, refuse to see a doctor when they got sick as they are afraid to be deported (Figueroa & Griffin, 2006, 2). II. Puerto Ricans Puerto Ricans are the poorest group of all the Latinos and generally are the most dark-skinned. Puerto Ricans first entered the country in 1898 when the United States take possession of Puerto Rico during the Spanish- American War (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 229). The family is patriarchal in nature, with men acting as providers and protectors and women as homemakers.Men do not take part actively in domestic chores and caring for their children although they are expect ed to be affectionate to them. Machismo is also a part of thier culture, subordinating women to men and men perceived as having a higher sexual drive. Men enjoy more freedom in public than women do and it is expected that they have many female conquest. Male dominance is met with a woman’s submissiveness and in the belief that a woman’s virtue is further enhanced by being patient and forbearing toward their men although generally women mistrust their men.Puerto Rican women however, in spite of the demands of being patient and forbearing, do not see themselves as resigned females but as dynamic homemakers. Although conscious of their subordinate status to their husbands, wives are also aware of their power and the demands they can make. They can choose to live with the man or leave him when he turns out to be abusive. Furthermore, Puerto Rican women regarded motherhood as a woman’s greatest satisfaction in life based on their concept of marianismo. Virgin Mary is seen as a woman’s role model (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 255-260).Ideal family relations are based on two interrelated themes, family unity and family interdependence. Family unity refers to the desirability of close and intimate kin ties, with members getting along well and keeping in frequent contact despite dispersal and getting together during holidays or celebrations. Family unity is viewed as contributing to the strengthening of family interdependence. They believe that the greater the unity in the family, the greater the emphasis family members will place on interdependence and familial obligation.Despite the adaptation to American life, Puerto Rican families are still defined by reciprocity among family members, especially those in the immediate family kinship group. Individuals in Puerto Rican families will expect and ask for assistance from certain people in their social networks without any derogatory implications of self-esteem. The older women expect to be taken cared of during old age by their adult children (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 255-260). Although emotional and physical closeness among women is encouraged by the culture, over acknowledgment of lesbianism is even more restricted than in mainstream American society.In fact, rejection of homosexuals appears to be the dominant attitude in the Puerto Rican community forcing homosexuals to lead a double life although the American concept of equality and individual rights threatens this belief (Andersen & Collins, 1995, 260). Concerning their health, Puerto Ricans have higher risk for AIDS since they least likely get married. They also have the highest rate of developing diabetes among the Latinos (Center for Disease Control, 2008). In recent times, the culture of male dominance is being challenged in Puerto Rican families especially that women also now work.Daughters however are expected to care for the home while their brothers work. New generation Puerto Ricans also engages in sex at an earlier age as compared to their island counterparts. Children also demands more independence from parental control (Shaefer, 2006, 239; Andersen & Collins, 1995, 255). IV. Cubans The Cubans first entered America as political refugees during the Cuban revolution in 1959. They are the most successful of all the Latinos since most of them are professionals and the US government assisted them (Schaefer, 2006, 247; Andersen & Collins, 1995, 229).The Cuban family is also patriarchal in nature and the concept of machismo is very much entrenched in their nature perhaps largely because they had been the last Latin nation to be liberated from Spanish control and their lives had been dominated by military struggles. The ingrained machismo concept had caused much regression and assimilation conflict in Cuban males in America. Cubans in America are permitted to have sexual relations with American women as long as they do not forget to marry a Cuban girl.Men do not do household chores because it decreases their machismo. Women are regarded as subordinates although women are now asserting more authority in the Cuban American home as they entered the workforce. However, women still respect male superiority and ask for their approval when joining clubs or engaging in social activities. The importance of extended families also diminished; god parenting-role is lessened. Cuban Americans do not accept homosexuality and were repulsed by the fact that some men chose to discard their male power to act as women.However, unlike the Americans who regarded both persons of the same sex who engages in intercourse as homosexuals, the Cubans only regarded homosexual the person who assumes the position of a woman in intercourse (Schaefer, 2006, 250; Andersen & Collins, 1995, 229). Many Cubans however publicly proclaimed that they would like to return to Cuba someday when Castro’s government is overturned and so they desired not to be all too adaptive to American culture (Schaefer, 20 06, 250). V. ConclusionThe Latino culture of family dependence through extended families, male superiority, women chastity and homosexual repugnance is being challenged in the American mainstream society. As they live in America, Latino family structure suffer changes in gender roles wherein women now asserts some form of authority , independence and sexual freedom. Parents and extended families also exert lesser power over the new generation. With regard to health issues, the Mexican illegal immigrants are at a disadvantage in accessing health care while the Puerto Ricans are at a higher risk for contracting AIDS and diabetes.References Andersen, Margaret and Patricia Collins. (1995). Race, Class and Gender, 2nd ed. Belmont: Wadsworh Publishing Company. Center for Disease Control. (2008). Health Disparities Affecting Minorities. Retrieved March 14, 2008 from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/hispanicamericanhealth. html Driscoll, Anne K. , M. Antonia Biggs, Claire D. Brindis, a nd Ekua Yankah. 2001. â€Å"Adolescent Latino Reproductive Health: A Review of the Literature. † Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 23 (5): 255-326. Figueroa, Evelyn and Griffin Deborah.Understanding Cultural Influence On Health Behaviors of Latino Adolescent Parents. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 12(2006):pp. 1-4. Ramirez, Roberto O. and G. Patricia de la Cruz. (2003). â€Å"The Hispanic Population in the United States: March 2002. † Population Characteristics. US Census Bureau. P20-545. Schaefer, Richard T. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups, tenth ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. Spence, Naomi J. 2003. â€Å"Transition to First Sexual Intercourse: The Interaction between Immigrant Generational Status and Race/Ethnicity. † Paper presented at the Southern Sociological Society.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Review on Scholarly Empirical Journal Article Literature

On Scholarly Empirical Journal Article - Literature review Example The article mentions that business ethics deals with three different things; avoiding actions that could lead to universal law suits touching the company, avoiding breaking laws within an individual’s work-related activities. In analyzing the way the research study was completed, the focus is on the methodology area, data collection, and analysis. In completing the study, thirty participants from thirty different organizations were used. The material or apparatus used in this study was a questionnaire. These participants were provided with questionnaires that outlined certain situations possible within an organization. They were expected to provide a feedback on how they would react faced with the situations in the questionnaires (Dr. Manning, 2012). The results section provided an analysis of the results. Finally, in the conclusion area, the writer summarized the results of the study, and gave an evaluation of whether the findings were related to the hypothesis. In the assessment of the journal article, based on what I have learned so far, it is arguable that it was well done. This is because it took into consideration the basics of a standard scholarly empirical journal article (Selden, 2012). The survey was described in details, as well as the methodology. The writer carefully introduces the issue of study and gives the reader a foreshadow of what is to be found in the article. The data collection method has also been carefully described, with the analysis and conclusion based on its findings (Feldman, 2004).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Change Management - one best way Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Change Management - one best way - Assignment Example This acknowledgment was established to have basis prevalent ambiguity all through the segment activating an idea that change was required. (Seger, 2005) The centre of such change on directorial background materialises to have been influenced by facts of the noticeable achievement of other society organisation labours in the UK and US. An administrator asserts: The spotlight on society organisation shows to have been emphasises by the determined service of young UK skilled executives who are observed as both well-informed of recent UK leisure practice and thus important causes of contemporary information. These new work force appear to have established new thoughts into the business and have dynamically inscribed the merits of society administration-something the senior directors carefully planned a narrative cause of prospective gung ho benefit. (Olson, 2001) The NewTech change scheme involved a continuing twelve-month programme planned to change not only the procedures of the corporation but also the fundamental thinking of directorial affiliates. In this regard, it shows that the top administration of Isis Hotel Luxor maintained the progress of change centred on imposing purchaser dominion and escalating stages of purchaser direction. In spite of concerning considerable assets and time outlay, the pr... At the end of 1997 the proprietors of the corporation determined what they experienced required to be completed and applied the change over the subsequent year, as promptly as probable. The change programme did not have any stages as such, even though six months into the scheme an augmented stress was situated on altering lower-level employee viewpoint and behaviours. Early systems and structural changes were hurried through as easily as was probable. (Collins, 2005) The original changes leaned to centre on artefact changes whilst the same time as afterward changes were cantered on leisure hotel measures and humanising purchase-orientation. Dazzling a strong interior artistic centre, the four proprietors of the corporation powerfully supposed that the society change was required but that Isis Hotel Luxor should rely on internal work force and proficiency rather than exterior managers. Although some changes were derivative from other associations, top directors have always had the con viction that no outer help was essential for their execution. Instead, top administration disagreed that the comprehensive corporeal changes could be handled by top employees at the same time as leisure hotel directors would be capable to manipulate the behaviours and viewpoints of lower employees. Impacts of Change Research of interrogate facts divulge that the NewTech changed was apparent to have impacted on recital results, behavioural stakeholder interface as well as spiralling some usual accessible views. However, some inadvertent penalties of these changes also emerge to have distorted the views of Top executives. In conditions of recital results, Top personnel thought that the NewTech scheme had an

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignemnt in Communication in the 21st Century Essay

Assignemnt in Communication in the 21st Century - Essay Example Internet has redefined the communication with its far reaching implications. The phenomenal growth in the internet user database has not only necessitated formulation of new strategies and policies that would entail active participation of the people, it has also revolutionized the concept of selling by bringing the goods directly to the individuals’ home or office. Effective communication at all levels of office hierarchy is crucial for the challenges and productive outcome of the visionary goals of the organization. Communication through electronic mail or e-mail, as it is popularly known, has made it easier to disseminate information among office staff of various branches, thereby, making it easy for the management to keep them informed regarding every aspects of organizational vision, mission and daily progress. It is a fast and efficient tool of communication leading to quality management. Creation of bulletin board in official sites has become an effective organizational strategy encouraging frank discussion and reactions to company’s decisions and policies. These electronic boards have become extremely popular medium of assessing organizational progress and at the same time, they have been used to solve employee’s grievances in a more democratic manner. This has helped improved working relationship among the people and making cross cultural adjustments easier. One of the boons of internet has been the real time presentation or virtual conferencing which has emerged as an important feature of the internet. It facilitates virtual boardroom discussions with people who might be at different places in the world. Online conferencing is being widely used in medical area where specialists from various fields get together to perform virtual surgeries as well as interact directly with the patients thus eliminating the need for personal interaction. It has become a very cost effective and time efficient tool

The Little Red Roaster Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Little Red Roaster - Case Study Example Center of discussion in this paper is the Little Red Roaster that had been in business since 1994. Owned by Kendra Gordon Green, the company offered a menu of coffees, teas, gourmet beverages, breakfasts, light lunches and snacks. The company had been approached by other companies to diversify its operations into wholesaling and catering. There was also the option of selling the company. The LRR operated in a highly competitive market. Therefore the company could not afford to sit still. The company could expand into wholesaling or catering. The management could also sell the company. Given the fierce competition for market share in retail, the company’s core business, the future strategic direction would involve implementing one of these options. Gordon-Green had to make a decision fast about which option to pursue. The communication theory is relevant in this business situation because of the distribution and logistics issues to be considered. The company would require a wel l-designed communication system in either wholesale or catering. The company’s goal is to maintain net profit at 4.56% of sales. In reaching this goal, the company had three action alternatives. Gordon-Green could sell the company. The LRR could diversify into wholesale. The company could expand the catering capacity. In implementing either option of wholesaling or catering, the company would incur additional costs. In implementing the wholesaling strategy, the LRR should outsource distribution and logistics to D&C. ... So Gordon-Green had to make a decision about which of these future options to pursue. Problems The LRR operated in a highly competitive market. Therefore Gordon-Green had to make a decision fast about the strategic direction of the company. The LRR had been approached by wholesale and catering customers to expand in both industries. However, given the wide spectrum of competitors in the industry, they would not wait long. The LRR had developed strong brand awareness in the retail market. However the company could not afford to sit still given the wide spectrum of competitors, as stated in the case, ranging from multinational corporations to family-run businesses. Given the fierce competition for market share, the LRR had to diversify into other markets. Therefore Gordon-Green had to consider the proposals made by both the student consultant team and the wholesale and catering customers. Given the high level of competitive rivalry in the market, the strategic direction of the company was at stake. However Gordon-Green had three options to consider. She could sell the company or expand in the wholesale business or expand in the catering business. These are the three future options one of which should be selected. Given the fast pace of change in the external environment, the wholesale and catering customers would not wait long before they approached other retail companies. Therefore Gordon-Green was anxious to make a fast decision. If Gordon-Green sold the company, then she would no longer be able to capitalize upon the strong brand awareness that the company had achieved so far. Gordon-Green enjoyed being an entrepreneur and wanted to be in business for herself. However she was also

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Apply knowledge gained pertaining healthcare services in the US, users Coursework

Apply knowledge gained pertaining healthcare services in the US, users of health information, information systems, and their use - Coursework Example While the duration of the patient stay continues to shorten therapies that were traditionally completed in the acute care setting are performed at home (Advanced care Inc, 2012). Finishing a course of intravenous antibiotic therapy used to be a rational for hospitalizing patients and this is not the case anymore. As long as the patient is steady, a peripherally inserted central venous catheter is placed and the patient is sent home with the catheter. Arrangements for the client are also made for them to get and complete a therapy at home. As both a licensed and a joint accredited infusion pharmacy, Advanced Care Inc makes the patient comfortable and safe at home. Advanced care Inc understands its requirement for exceptional healthcare. It pays great detail and excellent care as the home infusion specialists. This is a company owned by nurses and this makes its concentrate on the patient’s wellbeing. The company also commits itself to advanced patient care by offering both nurs ing and pharmacy services. The company’s main objective is to put the needs of the patients first and not profits. With the company’s experienced pharmacy staff and nursing staff, it continues to develop to meet the needs of insurance companies, physicians, hospital discharge personnel and individual patients. Infusion therapy involves the administration of medication through a needle or catheter. It is prescribed when a patient’s condition is so severe that it cannot be treated effectively by oral medications. Typically, â€Å"infusion therapy† means that a drug is administered intravenously, but the term also may refer to situations where drugs are provided through other non-oral routes, such as intramuscular injections and epidural routes (into the membranes surrounding the spinal cord). Diseases commonly requiring infusion therapy include infections that are unresponsive to oral antibiotics, cancer and cancer-related pain, dehydration, gastrointestina l diseases or disorders which prevent normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system, and more (Advanced care Inc, 2012). Other conditions treated with specialty infusion therapies may include cancers, congestive heart failure, Crohn’s Disease, hemophilia, immune deficiencies, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. Home Infusion Therapy Until the 1980s, patients who used to get infusion therapy had stay in the setting of inpatient for the period when they got the therapy. Amplified importance on cost-containment in healthcare plus expansion in the administration of clinical therapy, led to approaches of administering infusion therapy in alternate settings. For individuals who need long-term therapy, in patient care is not just extremely costly, but also averts the individual from recommencing normal work activities and lifestyles. Home infusion has been confirmed to be efficient and safe to inpatient care for a number of therapies and diseases. For most patien ts, getting treated at home or outpatient infusion group setting is appropriate for the care of inpatient. A number of providers of therapies of home infusion work on more than one ambulatory infusion suites that are preferably meant for some situations of patient therapy. A provider of infusion therapy is usually a closed door pharmacy that provides infusion therapies at the comfort of the home. Demographic Information Patients of all ages and races visit the hospital on a regular basis. These patients include patients aged between 13 years up to 30 years. Patients aged 30

Monday, September 23, 2019

DD121 TMA01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DD121 TMA01 - Essay Example This means learning to be aware of how to structure the essay, which style of writing to use, how to reference the sources, how to engage the reader in an absorbing discussion, and of course by avoiding plagiarism. The ‘Rules of TMA Writing’ stipulate in section 2.2.3 to organize the â€Å"material into a cohesive structure’. We must assume that the reader is unfamiliar with the contents, so needs to be taken through the essay from the beginning to the end with one idea contained in each paragraph. This also means it is very important to make points clear and that the reader is guided through each stage in the arguments. It is normal practice to structure the main body of the essay by preceding it with a good gentle introduction to acquaint the reader with what is to be expected, and followed by a solid conclusion that briefly summarises and articulately encapsulates the main thrust of the essay. The main body is the most important section. It should develop the key points citing relevant evidence where necessary. The title should reflect the nature of the essay and at the end there should be a references section to acknowledge any external sources used in the construction of the essay. The hierarchical order would therefore be as follows: title, introduction, main section, conclusion, and references. It is extremely important to acknowledge the sources used. It is morally and ethically wrong to try and â€Å"pass off someone else’s words as your own words†. This corrupt practice is called ‘plagiarism’. It is permissible to quote from an academic source to support your own essay, any arguments and examples, but full details must then be given using quotation marks as to where the supporting information was acquired. A definition of crime depends on the context of which framework it is perceived from. An act that is considered a crime from one perspective may not necessarily be considered a crime from

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Valley of Saints Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Valley of Saints - Movie Review Example Movie reviewers have on various occasions assisted in guiding the audience to watch a movie or made the audience less interested especially when the reviewers discredits the plot and message of the film. Film Critic Roger Ebert ranks among the primary critics and the paper examines the review of Valley of Saints by Elbert and comparing it with that of the researcher. A focus on the critics by the researcher and Ebert is done on Valley of Saints movie. With Guzlar, Afzal and Asifa as the three main characters, Syeed purposively and successfully exposes the political situation and repercussions of India in Kashmir a poor Interior location. His background and experience plays a significant role in ensuring he delivers one of the best prose reflecting on bad politics and the consequences. As a result of poverty and war arising from political instability within the state of Kashmir, Guzlar with his friend Afzal who is more like a friend decides to free the city of Kashmir (Trigon-Film 2014). Although the two has love for their village as a result of friendly neighborhoods and the aspect of beauty possessed by the locals, the political tensions, and continuous wars force them to run away from home. Working as a boatman, Guzlar earns through crossing tourists across his lake Village Dal Lake.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

College football vs Nfl Essay Example for Free

College football vs Nfl Essay Many compare the National Football League (NFL) with college football but the two are not extremely similar and should never be compared. Yes, besides a few minor rule changes the NFL and college football are the same game; but there is much more to football then the rules. College football is better than the NFL for a wide variety of reasons. First, there exists more passion in college football all around the sport. Passion cannot be measured in anyway but can be observed and understood by the fans, coaches, and sports community. Players care more about the game and less about money, while the fans have great passion for the university they attend or attended. The lack of an influence money has on the game is admirable. Also, tradition is so vast in college football a game day experience cannot be compared with those of the NFL. The special rivalry games and in stadium events makes college football great. Rivalries, passion, playing rules, and timing are few of the reasons why college football is better than the NFL. Along with great activities like tailgating, the wonderful scheduling, the entertainment, and the comeback friendly rules college football has the best case for why it is levels above the NFL. Passion is sought after in all sports, and is the most apparent in college athletics. Money determines everything in pro football and the large impact it has is just too obvious. The same cannot be said for college football. The great passion and emotion seen in players and coaches, and their loyalty to their team helps make college football a lovable game. The football team at a university represents the town, the state, and what the community stands for. College football players are said to be passionate, play hard, hard workers, and fearless. NFL players are most known for complaining and not wanting to be hit hard. There is passion in every play and intensity like no other in college football. It is just a drag watching the NFL because most of the time there is no passion, its just guys playing for that next paycheck (Fisher). The fact that the student athletes play for opportunity and the love of the game is invigorating to all sport fans. College football has been said to be more pure of a game. This means they play for the chance to make the league, and are about the game. Another reason passion is more reflected in college football is the lack of salary related hold outs. This refers to the many major star athletes who have large contract disputes and skip on camp and all team activities until they are paid more money. Players risk team success for selfish personal reasons. Prime examples of a player negatively affecting a team with a hold out are Albert Haynesworth, Terrell Owens, Michael Crabtree, Maurice Jones-Drew, Chris Johnson, and many more. These players put personal motives over team goals; it is inferred that the star athletes prefer money over team success. There has never been one single hold out in college football. Historically players in contract years have shown just a little more effort to ensure they make a few extra dollars when their pay days come around (Eliesen). Stats go up and so does the amount of work put in. This shows that players give more effort when money is on the line. The impact money has on the NFL makes college football that much better. Another issue with the money influence of the NFL is players will switch teams for more money, wins, or a bigger market. Not just some players, all players. In college you can transfer for academic or personal reasons but there are consequences. In 2010-11, 6. 4 percent of Division I student-athletes transferred from one four-year school to another four-year school. Included in that figure are 969 football student-athletes. All of those student-athletes were required to sit out a year of competition (NCAA). In the NFL it is expected that a player would turn their back on their team and city for more money or a better personal opportunity. In college it is discouraged, frowned upon, and penalized against. The players passion for the game, loyalty to their teams, and absents of holdouts and other money related issues are the start of a long list of reasons why college football is better than the NFL. The passion shows the college players are about the game, not the money. The tradition of college football is unlike that of any sport. The significance of it is immeasurable. To start college football has outstanding rivalry games. They are better than the NFL rivalry games simply because they have existed longer, are closer games, in a larger variety, and the fans and schools hate each other more. Classic examples include Army versus Navy, the iron bowl, Ohio State versus Michigan, USC versus Notre Dame, Miami versus FSU, The red river rivalry, the civil war, the dual in the dessert, the world’s largest cocktail party, LSU versus Alabama, and several others. Compare that with Dallas against Washington; the best rivalry in the NFL. Not a comparison. Every team in college football has a rival. Iowa State has Kansas State. Indiana has Illinois. Baylor has Texas Tech. Cincinnati has Louisville. It’s not what you think of when you think Auburn/Alabama, Ohio State/Michigan and Texas/Oklahoma, but even the lesser-known powers have rivals that riles up the fan bases. The NFL? I challenge you to name the Carolina Panthers’ top rival (Wilson). The atmosphere surrounding the towns and the great rivalry games out perform the NFL’s weak rivalry match ups. Next, fans have more to route for in college. The fact that the students and alumni get to support the place they graduated from cannot be matched. For NFL fans most of them root for the citys team you were born in. For college football fans the team you cheer for could be across the nation because you had a family member go there or your family has always cheered for them. For college football fans it doesnt matter what city you live in (Fisher). Good examples of great tradition are Oregon’s uniforms, dotting the I in Ohio, Chief Osceola, war eagle, Howards rock, the dog UGA, and the play like a champion today sign in South Bend. Literally, 100 more traditions could be named. Traditions such as those just dont exist in the NFL. There isnt the same level of tradition in the pro game (Killoren). Stadiums, fight songs, bands, and the college campus on game day, pep rallies, are all things that are just not seen in professional football. The tradition in college football is evident and changes the game completely. Most importantly the strong and vast group of rivalry games in college makes the NFL division games appear as friendly competition. A main reason why college football is better than the NFL is because in college the timing in all around better. By the timing, I mean the rules that influence the time and the scheduling. College football starts a week earlier which means over 120 division one college games have been played before the NFL starts. College football has more games in general and starts off football season right. Next, is Saturdays are better for watching and playing football than Sundays. Nobody wants to go to work the day after a crazy game. People need Sunday to relax after a crazy tailgating and game experience. To me, theres nothing better than going to bed on Friday night knowing that you have nothing to do on Saturday except watch college football. Even if you find a few hours to watch your favorite NFL team, you still have it hanging over your head that its back to work in the morning. That feeling always tends to take the wind out of my sails (FanNation). Who wants to be out late on a Sunday night at a prime time game? How about Saturday? There is a big difference between the two. During bowl season we get to see 35 prestigious match ups of team with winning records in solid football games over a 23 day period. Right over the holidays when everyone has school and work off there is football on every day. This is set up nicely for viewers. Seniors get a last chance to represent themselves and their school in the bowl game that they have worked so hard to earn. Lastly, college has comeback friendly rules that the NFL do not have. Stopping of the clock on a first down, one foot in bounds for a catch, chains must be set before clock starts, and clock stopping all game when you get out of bounds keep college games entertaining and help you see more action. According to a Wall Street Journal study of four games from week 16, the average NFL game features just 10 minutes 43 seconds of action (Chase). The comebacks that have determined champions and the outcome of high profile games are because of the comeback friendly rule book of college football. College football is more entertaining than the NFL for many reasons but bowl season, the comeback friendly rules, Saturdays over Sundays, and the extra week of football are just some vital examples. The pregame activities, tailgating, the more logical football rules such as overtime standards, and ESPNs outstanding coverage give college an extra edge on professional football. College game day travels to the biggest game of the week and perform a 3 hour special on campus live in front of an audience with different guest stars, storylines, and gimmicks each week. Hands down NFL Countdown cant compete with College Gameday (Fisher). Also, college goal line which updates all the score nationwide is very popular around the country. In college football the sport is played the right way. If a player hits the ground he is down, in the NFL he can get back up and run if not touched. This leads to many missed calls and slows down play. The overtime rules are better in college because you can’t tie. Yes, in the NFL there is the terrible possibility of a tie. Also, each time gets a chance and the better team is awarded the victory. In the NFL it’s more about the coin flip than the play. Parties on campus, pep rallies, and fun halftime events like the famous Dr. Pepper challenge are great add ons to college football. The college life sparks parties and pep rallies. Some schools even cancel classes the day before a big game. Students camp out to get tickets and great scenes like that are noticed all around the country. The weekend gives students a break. What more would students want to do than party and route on their schools football team. Lastly, tailgating is bigger in college football. Fans have all of the next day to relax so they enjoy their tailgating. Only 30 percent of the tailgaters actually make it inside the stadium. People do not tailgate a week before for an NFL game. College students start tailgating that Sunday or Monday after that last game they just went too (Fisher). College fans take tailgating very serious and make a 3 hour game into a week event in which they can relax, watch football, eat good food, and reunite with friends and family. The activities around college football separate it from the old boring games on Sunday. College football has passion, traditions, entertainment, and an incredible environment that the NFL lacks. These reasons were choose from a list of 200 reasons college football is better. Upsets, unpredictability, cheer leaders, the Heisman, coaching dynasties, the spread offense, uniforms, new programs, and other reason were not even discussed because college football has such a huge variety of great attributes. This makes college football more appealing to the fans and viewers. Understand that all these reasons build on the case of why college football beats the NFL. Yes, the players are less talented when they are younger. It should have been made clear that the game is about more than this though. The college players do not only care about money. Love of the game, the tradition, the entertainment, and the rules are a few of the prominent reasons college football is better. However, Most of these reasons cannot be based of scientific facts or stats. The reasons listed are based on what is the best game to watch and support. A personal opinion and judgment is what makes this argument worth demonstrating. It cannot be proven through facts and data but there are numerous reasons that help show the point that is trying to be made. All the evidence is there and all that is left to do is choose what reasons makes college football better than the NFL. There are many to choose from.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Health And Social Care Essay

Teenage Pregnancy Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Health And Social Care Essay Teenage pregnancy is a critical public health issue in both the developing and developed world. It has been thought to have an intrinsic effect on the infant and maternal morbidity and mortality statistics worldwide. In its publication, the State of the Worlds Children report, UNICEF stated that worldwide over 500,00 women of all age groups die yearly and 70000 females aged 15-19 years would die during child birth [1] . Currently, evidence of causal hypothesis is conflicting and inconclusive as to whether adverse outcomes are the result of immaturity of the reproductive system or attributable to other socio-demographic characteristics of adolescents .A study demonstrated that majority of pregnant adolescents had no source of income and lacked health insurance [2] .Teenagers were also found to be more likely to be single, less educated and receive or attend insufficient antenatal care when compared with older mothers [3-5] . Fraser et al conducted a large population-based study which showed that pregnancy in adolescence was associated with an inherently increased risk for obstetric and neonatal outcomes [6] .However, some other studies demonstrated a lack of association attributing the outcome to social factors. This article aims to review, critically appraise, and synthesise evidence from original publications of observational studies on the relationship between teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes. It focuses mainly on prematurity, low birth weight and route of delivery as there are a myriad of adverse birth outcomes-maternal: preeclampsia, anaemia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), perineal tears, instrumental delivery, caesarean delivery and infant-related complications: prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, small for gestational age, perinatal morbidity- attributable to teenage pregnancy and there is strict limitation on the article word count. Methodology: literature search and selection of studies A literature search on teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes of primary studies published in the last 10 years was carried out .Included studies were journal articles published in the English language-this limitation confers some degree of bias to the review. Epidemiological evidence for this review is defined as observational studies- cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, retrospective cohort studies and prospective cohort studies. Database searching of Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland) and Embase (Elsevier) was conducted using the following keyword phrases and related terms as search terms teenage pregnancy or pregnancies, adolescent pregnancy or pregnancies and pregnancy outcome, adverse reproductive outcomes and related terms(refer appendix 1). The Medline search yielded 110 articles but reviewing the abstracts showed only few of the studies met the inclusion criteria or were readily available online or in print. A similar search conducted on the Embase database yielded less promising results. Additional journal articles were located by reviewing cited references and citation tracking of some of the selected studies. The related article or similar article feature of some journals was used to identify similar studies and their abstracts were reviewed to check if they met the selection criteria. Case studies, case reports, editorials, and reviews were excluded from the search. Selection criteria To be included in this review, the selected studies had to meet the following criteria: -teenage pregnancy is defined as pregnancy in young women under 20 years -women above 35 years old were either excluded from or treated as an independent category in the study as they are known to have high obstetric risks -must demonstrate some statistical description and /or analysis of confounding variables in the association between teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes -should have some comparative element in which teenagers are compared with a suitable reference category -outcome measures include at least two of the following: prematurity preterm delivery, Caesarean section (CS), low birth weight (LBW), infant mortality, neonatal mortality, perinatal mortality, maternal mortality, severe anaemia, preeclampsia and eclampsia -a significance assessment can be made either by using p-values or confidence intervals Table 1:Characteristics of selected studies Authors Publication year(Study period) Setting Study design Sample size Age of teenage subjects(years) Outcome measures of interest Confounding variables considered Other study characteristics Ekwo and Moawad [3] 2000(1989-1995) U.S.A Hospital based retrospective cohort 6,072 3 groups-=15,16-17,18-19 20-24 as reference group Preterm birth, low birth weight Maternal smoking, drug abuse, insurance status, adequacy of prenatal care, median family income, marital status Primaparous black women , singleton pregnancies Bukulmez et al [7] 2000(1990-1998) Turkey Hospital-based matched case-control study 4,470(1,490 cases,3980 controls) Cases:15-19 controls:20-34 stratified during analysis as =17,18-19,20-34 Low birth weight, preterm delivery, pregnancy induced hypertension(preeclampsia, eclampsia),LBW, Antenatal care, gravidity, parity, Singleton pregnancies, subjects matched on marital status, socioeconomic class and ethnicity-white married women of high social status Jolly et al [4] 2000(1988-1997) United Kingdom Hospital based retrospective cohort 341,708

Thursday, September 19, 2019

English Laws of the 17th Century Which Led to the Persecution of Quaker

English Laws of the 17th Century Which Led to the Persecution of Quakers Barbara Blaugdone’s â€Å"An Account of the Travels, Sufferings, and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone† recounts her many arrests as she travels through England and Ireland, preaching Quaker beliefs. Her experience was certainly not unique, as many Quakers were similarly persecuted, including George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends. There were three primary laws in effect at the time of Blaugdone’s travels: The Uniformity Act of 1662, the Vagrancy Act of 1596 and the Blasphemy Act of 1650. The Uniformity Act of 1662 under Charles II, which was preceded by similarly named acts in 1549, 1552 and 1559, sought to restore the dominance of the Church of England by establishing a set form of worship, which included compiling a new version of the Book of Common Prayer (Keir 240). The use of this book was mandatory at all religious services. Additionally, this Act made church attendance mandatory every Sunday, under the penalty of a fine of 12 pence (Thomas 1). This directly contradicted the Quak...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analysis of Soldiers Home by Ernest Hemingway Essay -- Literary Analys

The story, A Soldiers Home, is about a man in conflict with the past and present events in his life. The young man’s name is Harold Krebs. He recently returned from World War 1 to find everything almost exactly the same as when he left. He moved back into his parents house, where he found the same car sitting in the same drive way. He also found the girls looking the same, except now they all had short hair. When he returned to his home town in Oklahoma the hysteria of the soldiers coming home was all over. The other soldiers had come home years before Krebs had so everyone was over the excitement. When he first returned home he didn’t want to talk about the war at all. Then, when he suddenly felt the urge and need to talk about it no one wanted to hear about it. When he returned all of the other soldiers had found their place in the community, but Harold needed more time to find his place. In the mean time he plays pool, â€Å"practiced on his clarinet, strolled down town, read, and went to bed.†(Hemingway, 186) When his mother pressures him to get out and get a girlfriend and job, he te...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Movie Industry vs Technology Essay -- Movies Internet Papers

The Movie Industry vs Technology The Internet and the roles it plays in society Since its conception, the Internet has been a huge market for life uses. It provides some of the greatest resources to educate people around the world such as search engines, databases, and an almost endless expanse for innovation. Being a conglomeration of countless numbers of computers allow users to interconnect with each other, making computers a prominent part of people’s lives. Aside from the home uses, businesses have capitalized on it as well. The Internet is essentially a medium through which mass distribution of information and goods can be disseminated. However, â€Å"the Net is no longer just a publishing or an entertainment or a personal communications medium, but rather a fundamental and indispensable engine driving all social and economic life† ( Kline). E-commerce is a big part of the average consumer. Shopping online at sites such as and have provided users with the convenience of shopping without picking up the car keys. With a few simple clicks, a few typing of numbers, the desired product could be at your door within a few days. Other uses are GPS systems, or even a 911-based emergency utility that combines GPS and locates you in time of trouble. This is all provided for by the internet. In light of all these fantastic services that are provided by the Internet, it is without its flaws. Child pornography and piracy are just some of the illegal activity that are present in society today. Filters have been set up in schools and in homes to prevent viewing or downloading of such illicit materials, however that is not enough. With the conception of Napster, the music industry engulfed it, chewed it up... ...anuary 12 - January 18, 2000. Http:// 8. Johnson, Bobbie. â€Å"CyberVillains†. The Guardian. Monday May 20, 2002. Http://,3858,4416832,00.html 9. Kline, David. â€Å"The Embedded Internet†. Wired Magazine. October 1996 Issue 4.10. Http:// 10. Nugent, Benjamin and Bennet, Brian. â€Å"Beyond Hollywood’s Reach†. Time. Feb 25, 2002. V159 i8 p56. 11. Olsen, Stefanie. â€Å"Hollywood faces recurring Net nightmare†. CNET New.Com. June 5, 2002. Http:// 12. Sullivan, Bob. â€Å"Hollywood Gets Tough on Copying†. MSNBC July 12, 2003. 13. Weisman, Robyn. â€Å"Steal This Internet Movie†. NewsFactor Network. Febryary 28, 2002. Http://

Roman Catholicism

Church distinguishes between vice, which is a habit inclining one to sin, and the sin itself, which is an individual morally wrong act. Note that in Roman Catholicism, the word â€Å"sin† also refers to the state that befalls one upon committing a morally wrong act. In this section, the word always means the sinful act. It is the sin, and not the vice, that deprives one of God's sanctifying grace and renders one deserving of God's punishment.Thomas Aquinas taught that â€Å"absolutely speaking, the sin surpasses the vice in wickedness†. 7] On the other hand, even after a person's sins have been forgiven, the underlying habit (the vice) may remain. Just as vice was created in the first place by repeatedly yielding to the temptation to sin, so vice may be removed only by repeatedly resisting temptation and performing virtuous acts; the more entrenched the vice, the more time and effort needed to remove it.Saint Thomas Aquinas says that following rehabilitation and the acq uisition of virtues, the vice does not persist as a habit, but rather as a mere disposition, and one that is in the process of being eliminated. Medieval illuminated manuscripts circulated with colorful schemas for developing proper attitudes, with scriptural allusions modelled on nature: the tree of virtues as blossoming flowers or vices bearing sterile fruit, The Renaissance writer Pietro Bembo is credited with reaffirming and promoting the Christian perfection of classical humanism.Deriving all from love (or the lack thereof) his [8]schemas were added as supplements[9] in the newly-invented technology of printing by Aldus Manutius in his editions of Dante's Divine Comedy dating from early in the 16th century. Dante's seven deadly vices[edit] The poet Dante Alighieri listed the following seven deadly vices, associating them structurally[10] as flaws in the soul's inherent capacity for goodness as made in the Divine Image yet perverted by the Fall: 1.Pride or vanity: an excessive l ove of the self (holding the self outside of its proper position regarding God or fellows; Dante's definition was â€Å"love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, pride is referred to as superbia. 2. Enw or Jealousy: resentment of others for their possessions (Dante: â€Å"love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, enw is referred to as invidia. 3.Wrath or anger: feelings of hatred, revenge or denial, as well as punitive desires outside of Justice (Dante's description was â€Å"love of Justice perverted to revenge and spite†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, wrath is referred to as ira, which primitive vices tempt astray by increasingly perverting the proper purpose of charity, directing it inwards, leading o a disorded navel-gazing preoccupation with personal goods in isolation absent proper harmonio us relations leading to violent disruption of balance with others. . Sloth or laziness: idleness and wastefulness of time or other allotted resources. Laziness is condemned because it results in others having to work harder; also, useful work will not be done. Sloth is referred to in Latin as accidie or acedia, which vice tempts a self-aware soul to be too easily satisfied, thwarting charity's purpose as with the needs of others and their satisfaction, an escalation in evil, more odious han the passion of hate 5.Avarice (covetousness, greed): a desire to possess more than one has need or use for (or according to Dante, â€Å"excessive love of money and power†). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, avarice is referred to as avaritia. 6. Gluttony: overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or misplaced desire of food as a pleasure for its sensuality (â€Å"excessive love of pleasure† was Dante's rendering). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, gluttony is referred to as gula. 7. Lust: excessive sexual desire. Dante's criterion was that â€Å"lust detracts from true love†.In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, lust is referred to as luxuria, which vices tempt cultivated souls in their ability to direct charity's proper purpose to good things or actions, by indulging excess. Thus in Dante's estimation the soul's detachment from sensual appetites become the vices most difficult to tame, urges not as easily curbed by mere good manners since inflamed via appropriate use rather than inappropriate misuse. Hence conventional respect for the ninth and enth commandments against coveting and social customs that encourage custody of the eyes and ears become prudent adjuncts to training against vice.The first three terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love perverted, that is, sins which arise from the heart of the sinner being set upon something which is wrong in the eyes of God. Those bein g purged here must have their love set upon the right path. The fourth terrace of purgatory expiates the sins which can be considered to arise from love defective, that is, love which, although irected towards the correct subjects is too weak to drive the sinner to act as they should.Those being purged here must have their love strengthened so as to drive them correctly. The fifth, sixth and seventh terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love excessive, that is, love which although directed towards ends which God considers good is directed towards them too much for the sinner to gain bliss from them, and also so that the sinner is distracted from the love of other things of which God approves. Their love must be cooled to a more sensible level.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Soap Opera – Opiate of the Masses

A soap opera, every now and then called â€Å"soap† for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera came from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Lever Brothers, as sponsors and producers. These early radio series were broadcast in weekday daytime slots, when most listeners would be housewives; so the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience.An important element that defines soap opera is the open-ended nature of the narrative, with stories across several episodes. The defining feature that makes a television program a soap opera, according to Albert Moran, is â€Å"that form of television that works with a continuous open narrative. Each episode ends with a promise that the storyline is to be continued in another episode†. Soap opera stories run at the same time intersect and lead into further developments.An individual episode of a soap opera will generally switch between several different simultaneous story threads that may at times interconnect and affect one another or may run entirely independent of each other. Each episode may feature some of the show's current storylines but not always all of them. Especially in daytime serials and those that are screened each weekday, there is some rotation of both storyline and actors so any given storyline or actor will appear in some but usually not all of a week's worth of episodes.Soap operas seldom bring all the current storylines to a conclusion at the same time. When one storyline ends there are several other story threads at differing stages of development. Soap opera episodes typically end on some sort of cliffhanger, and the Season Finale ends in the same way, only to be resolved when the show returns for the start of a new yearly broadcast. Evening soap operas and those that screen at a rate of one episode per week are more likely to feature the entire cast in each episode, and to represent all current storylines in each episode.Evening soap operas and serials that run for only part of the year tend to bring things to a dramatic end-of-season cliffhanger. In 1976, Time magazine described American daytime television as â€Å"TV's richest market,† noting the loyalty of the soap opera fan base and the expansion of several half-hour series to a full hour in order to maximize ad revenues. The article explained that at that time, many prime time series lost money, while daytime serials earned profits several times more than their production costs. History of Foreign Soap OperaThe term â€Å"soap opera† was coined by the American press in the 1930s to denote the extraordinarily popular genre of successive domestic radio dramas. 2 The â€Å"soap† in soap opera alluded to their sponsorship by manufacturers of household cleaning products; while â₠¬Å"opera† suggested an ironic inappropriateness between the domestic narrative concerns of the daytime serial and the most elevated of dramatic forms. In the United States, the term continues to be applied primarily to the approximately fifty hours each week of daytime serial television drama broadcast by ABC, NBC, and CBS, but the meanings of the term, both in the U.  S. and elsewhere, exceed this generic designation. Long before the days of television, radio dramas ruled the airwaves.The radio programs were commercially sponsored by the manufacturers of household cleaning products – the use of the word â€Å"soap† in soap opera. The term â€Å"opera† refers to any form of elaborate dramatic entertainment, not necessarily one set to music. By 1940, about 90% of all sponsored daytime radio programming fell into the soap opera type. Even today, soap operas remain the most continuing and effective form of broadcast advertising vehicle.The advertising indus try publication Advertising Age named â€Å"the birth of the daytime soap opera† as the 29th most important milestone in the history of advertising. The first so-called television soap opera debuted way back in 1946. Faraway Hill considered by television historians to be the first network soap opera. It took three more years before the soaps found a home in the daytime hours. In 1949, These Are My Children debuted on NBC. The 15-minute show aired live and was the first continuing daytime drama. 4 On June 30th, 1952, soap giant Procter & Gamble introduced The Guiding Light on the CBS network.The soap opera had aired on radio since 1937. 5 Now minus the â€Å"The† from its title, Guiding Light is the longest running serial program which that some of these children debuted in the interview on NBC for the television history. Between 1940 and 1970, soap operas enjoyed a large and stable viewing audience. The core viewers of the soap opera were what advertisers came to call â€Å"housewives,† a term used to describe married women who remained home to take care of children. Foreign soap operas surged in popularity in the 1970s due, in part, to heavily-publicized romances, such as Luke and Laura's wedding on ABC's General Hospital.The viewers tuned into the Spencers' wedding, making it the most-watched show in the history of daytime television. But by the time the 1980s started to wind down, television ratings for soap operas started to decline. Gone were the days when women were supposedly duty-bound to remain home and take care of the house and kids; it was becoming necessary in many households to have two sources of income. In 1976, Time magazine described American daytime television as â€Å"TV's richest market,† noting the loyalty of the soap opera fan base and the expansion of several half-hour series to a full hour in order to maximize ad revenues.The article explained that at that time, many prime time series lost money, while dayti me serials earned profits several times more than their production costs. The issue's cover notably featured its first daytime soap stars, Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes of Days of our Lives. 7 A couple whose onscreen and real-life romance was widely covered by both the soap opera magazines and the mainstream press. Hisotry of Local Soap Opera In the Philippines we have this â€Å"teleserye (television series)† or â€Å"teledrama (tv drama)†, and now we also have â€Å"telepantasya (tv fantasy)† or â€Å"pantaserye (fantasy series)†.These kind of shows has been part of the Filipino culture for years. The first Philippine Soap Opera was first aired on the radio, it was Gulong ng Palad on 1949 then expanded into a television series in the early 1960's. 8 In the 90's Soap Operas like Mara Clara begin to air, and it is one of the longest running Soap Opera in Philippine History, a story about two child that were exchanged with different parents, and ende d up as mortal enemies, a story plot that has been used by modern teledramas even up today. Soap operas in The Philippines originated when Gulong ng Palad was first heard on radio in 1949.Then it was presented into television in the early 1960s. The first Philippine TV soap opera was Hiwaga sa Bahay na Bato in 1963, and it was produced by ABS-CBN. Liwanag ng Pag-ibig, Prinsipe Amante, and many others soon followed. 9 The â€Å"soaps† were usually shown during daytime, however in 1996; soap opera programming was moved to primetime because of the popularity gained by the Mexican telenovela, Marimar, which was aired here in our country on RPN 9. This marked the start of the telenovela craze here in the Philippines. Major networks followed the trend by showing local and foreign telenovelas in their different timeslots.Philippine primetime started to focus on serial dramas and anthologies; both becoming highly watched programs. Last 2008, TV5 revived serial dramas for Philippine P rimetime television. In 2000, ABS-CBN, made a milestone move in television when it introduced Pangako sa ‘Yo, which became to be the first official teleserye, and Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay. These teleseryes set the standard for present teleserye productions in the Philippines. This new type of soap opera became a big hit in the country, and its popularity was soon spread to other countries.Because of this phenomenon, subsequent soap operas shown on television have regularly come to be referred as teleseryes and GMA Network began referring to their television dramas as teledramas. In 2011, GMA Network, recently make their drama series like, Amaya (first historical drama show in the country), and Ikaw Lang ang Mamahalin (first TV drama had a remake of the classic series in a same network). ABS-CBN did a remake of the longest running teleserye, Mara Clara and Mula Sa Puso. TV5 did also a remake of the long running teleserye, Valiente. 10Today, Philippine dramas gained international recognition from international award-giving bodies, cementing the reputation of the Philippines as a prime drama producer. Most of these nominated dramas were from ABS-CBN. It started with Lobo winning the Best Telenovela category in the 30th BANFF World Television Festival. Several dramas were also nominated in the International Emmy for the telenovela category, including ABS-CBN's Dahil May Isang Ikaw, Kahit Isang Saglit and GMA's Magdusa Ka. Magkaribal of ABS-CBN was recently nominated in the 2011 New York Festivals TV and Film Awards.Another show, Eva Fonda managed to win awards from the Seoul International Drama Awards were also the lead actress Cristine Reyes managed to get a nomination as Best Leading Actress and a Special award for the show. Statement of the problem The study aimed to determine the factors that make the viewers want to watch soap operas and to have a more in-depth evaluation of the effects that they give to the viewers. Significance of the Study This study focuses on the different types of Soap Opera and its viewers about its influences regarding their values and character development obtained from watching foreign and local soap operas.This study will provide information about foreign and local soap operas. 2. This study will stress out the different soap operas that are regularly patronized by the people. 3. This study will give motives and gratifications that are achieved from watching soap operas. 4. This study will present important factors needed to prove how soap operas contribute to the moral development of the viewers. Definition of Terms Standard Definition. The terms included in this research will be defined by using the printed materials (e. g. dictionary, encyclopedia) to facilitate easy understanding of the study.Culture. The word refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Electronic Media. It is the media that utilizes electronic or electro mec hanical energy for the end-user to access the content like the television and radio. Impact. The word means having a strong effect to something. Industry. The word means manufacturing of goods and services within a category. Influences. It is the power of two persons or things to affect others. Innovation. It refers to the act of starting something for the first time. Local Media.These are shows produced and aired in the different TV that were bought here for local viewing. Local Soap Operas. These are soap operas that are considered to be proudly Filipino. Soap Opera. This is an ongoing, episodic work of fiction, usually broadcast on television or radio. Telenovelas. It is a distinct genre different from soap operas, for telenovelas have an ending and come to an end after a long run. Television. It is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with or without accompanying sound. Values.It can be defined as broad prefer ences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes. Viewers. It is the people who watched or avid fans of the localized soap operas. NOTES 1†³Sex and Suffering in the Afternoon†. Time Magazine, (1976). 2url: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soap_opera#cite_note-Bowles-118-0 3A. Wissbert, â€Å"Television Across Asia: Television Industries. Program Formats and Globalization†, Television Across Asia, (2005). 4Gerard J. Waggett, One Life to Live. The Soap Opera Encyclopedia. (1997), 91. 5Christopher H. Schemering, The Soap Opera Encyclopedia (1997), 66–73. 6Jason C.Mittell, Television and American Culture. (New York: Oxford University Press. 2008), 191–192. 7Rina Jimenez-David, â€Å"The Rise and Rise of Asian Entertainment†, Inquirer Magazine, (January 27, 2008). 8url:http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Philippine_drama 8url:http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Telenovela 9url:http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Philippine_drama 10url:http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Philippine_drama CHAPTER 2 Impact/Effects of Soap Opera Soap operas are by far some of the most powerful shows on television. Powerful in the sense that it has the ability to get you deeply immersed into the themes and the type of characters it presents.Drama is an essential for humans. But of course its not always loneliness that triggers soap addiction. Sometimes people could watch it for the sole purpose of entertainment or this relentless desire to become a daytime actor/actress. The majority feel that such contents should be aired on Lifetime: Television for women, but the truth is that a handful of men also watch it, such as moi. Depression is usually caused by increasing moments of solitude. This is when your mind gets delirious and urges you to seek alternative sources of connection and drama.Soap Operas are perhaps the best mediums for these as characters have the ability to fiercely drop axes on hears and at times tickles hearts. It serves as a prescription for h ealing our hearts when we feel that it belongs nowhere. The psychology behind this is just ravishing. There are a lot of research will be done in health communications to figure out every correlation they can between soap operas and as to how it engages the human mind. It’s astounding what chemistry viewers can share with some of the characters. What's even more astounding is how charismatic they can really be and how this affects you as an individual.Women feel a more superior need of connection than men do but more men should watch it because some of the male characters of these soaps resemble some of the superheroes and villains that we read in comics or watch in other programs; with blends of other characteristics that make them worth following. Foreign Soap Opera Soap operas became something of an addiction for millions of television viewers. The weekend couldn't end fast enough for many viewers and fans as they waited for Monday's shows to see what would happen followin g the now-infamous Friday Cliffhangers.And while soap opera addiction many not be anything nearly as serious as an alcohol or drug dependency, the way to wean people from the addictions is very much the same: cold turkey. The first time that many soap fans were unable to visit their â€Å"television families† was when the three major networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – broadcast the coverage of the OJ Simpson trial, and there was no longer an option for the viewers to watch their episodes at a later date or time. The viewers were forced to go without them for weeks and weeks.Initially, fans flooded the networks with complaints, but as the separation anxiety started to lessen many fans found other things to do or other programs to watch. A real life soap opera had supplanted many loyal viewers from their second homes. And while industry experts warned the networks that taking soaps away from their loyal viewers was going to result in trouble for the networks, most net works either refused to believe that the soap fans would tune out for good or they just didn't care. This was not the first time that the networks' opinions were misguided. The effects of soap opera are the same as the television.A psychological effect there is a theory that when a person plays video games or watches TV, the basal ganglia portion of the brain becomes very active and dopamine is released. Some scientists believe that release of high amounts of dopamine reduces the amount of the neurotransmitter available for control of movement, perception of pain and pleasure and formation of feelings, although this remains a controversial conclusion. A study conducted by Herbert Krugman found that while viewers are watching television the right side of the brain is twice as active as the left which causes a state of hypnosis.Physical effects studies in both children and adults have found an association between the number of hours of television watched and obesity this study found t hat watching television decreases the metabolic rate in children to below that found in children at rest. 1 Local Soap Opera Philippine soap opera/teleseryes were used sometimes to show the different status or situations of the Filipino people in the present time, sometimes it is all about the past experiences that we’ve gone through so that the viewers will be able to relate themselves in the soap opera.Here in the Philippines soap operas are in the primetime/evening slots where people are in their respective homes in that time. Soap Operas became a daily routine for the Filipino viewers. Philippine drama had its ability to the range of popularity in early 2000s (decade), many of these dramas have become popular throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, Africa and North America, particularly in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Cambodia. These dramas are often dubbed into some languages, and sometime have its English and other foreign subtitles when imported into those markets. ABS-CBN started the exportation of their dramas, like classical dramas as they often have a universal message. Pangako Sa Yo (The Promise) is one of the most successful Philippine dramas abroad. Prior to China, the story mesmerized people in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia and Africa. ABS-CBN also introduced a website called ABS-CBN International Sales, for easy access to their shows. Another ABS-CBN shows, Sana Maulit Muli was also aired in Taiwan, Lobo (dubbed as She-Wolf: The Last Sentinel), Tayong Dalawa, Dahil May Isang Ikaw, Kahit Isang Saglit and Katorse.GMA Network's Boys Nxt Door, a teen melodrama, was the first Philippine TV series aired in South Korea and 1994 Mexican remake MariMar was aired in Thailand, Malaysia, China, Singapore,Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Uganda, Kenya and Hawaii, USA, another GMA Network shows such as Habang Kapiling Ka, Kahit Kailan, Bakekang, Muli, Impostora, Mga Mata ni Anghelita and Dyesebel was also released in some countries in South east Asia and East Asia. Promoting soap opera through culture Culture has been defined in many different ways.One of the ways is that culture is seen to equate with Mass Culture as a commercial culture, mass produced for mass consumption. In recent years, Korean popular culture has gained much recognition across many Asian countries through mass media entertainment such as dramas, movies, and songs since 1999. The trend is known as â€Å"Hallyu,† which literally means Korean wave in English. 3 The Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism appointed â€Å"Korean Wave† stars as cultural ambassadors in countries that have had a strained political relationship with Korea (Cho, 2005). The Korean wave affected intra-regional tourism, from Asia to the U.  S. , supporting an increase in inbound tourism.Popular culture such as TV programs, soap opera or drama and pop-star has been a very effective vehicle in attracting tourists to a destination while boosting the economic impact s). Media relations such as news articles, movies and popular culture, commonly referred to as autonomous agents, are considered to be more influential on image formation in that they have higher credibility and ability to reach mass crowds than the destination-originated information (Gartner, 1993; Gartner & Shen, 1992; Henefors & Mossberg, 2002).Most research about autonomous agents focuses on the strong influence of negative impact from news media such as political issues, violence, terrorist activities, and natural disaster. However, little research has been devoted to examine the impact of pop-culture on destination image formation in the aspect of an autonomous agent. Popular culture such as soap opera offers tremendous marketing opportunities for tourism organizations, such as destination marketing organizations (DMOs).DMOs can use pop-culture as springboards for destination promotions and generate marketing opportunities at the different stages of the destination promotion p rocess. It is significant for marketers to take the exposure as a chance to rebuild their image management strategy, depending on how the destination is represented through soap opera. Promoters should understand the content of the soap opera and identify how the destination is depicted in it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Muet vs Ielts

MUET VERSUS IELTS. In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. Although Malay language is our mother tongue, we still have to conquer this language if we want to compete with other international countries. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education is the most important arena where English is needed.Particularly, as a developing country, Malaysia needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Malaysia. The reason for why English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Malaysia is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students and the common language is obviously English. Next and the most important, it enables students to communicate with the international world and at once we can compete with other emerging international countries.So, to align with national development, Malaysia has established Malaysian University English Test (MUET) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to help students nowadays to improve a lot in English language. Firstly, the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) is an examination which measure the ability to use and understand English as it is spoken, written and heard in university campuses. This test is set and run by the Malaysian Examinations Council.MUET is created for Malaysia public universities enrolment needs and comprising 4 components that are listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is categorized into six bands or levels and only recognized in Malaysia and Singapore. Each components of this exam has its own scores. The maximum scores for each component is 45 for Listening and Speaking,120 for Reading and 90 for Writing, with the total score of 300. The scores are then graded in 6 bands, with Band 6 the highest and Band 1 the lowest.Firstly for listening test, candidates will be required to listen to recorded texts twice and answer questions consisting of information transfer, short-answer questions, and three option multiple choice questions and 4-option multiple choice questions. For speaking test, candidates will be required to perform the individual presentation and group discussion. For the individual presentation, candidates will be given 2 minutes to prepare for the given task and 2 minutes to present. Candidates will also listen to the other candidates while they are making their presentations and take down notes for the group discussion.For the group discussion that consists of 4 students, candidates will be given 2 minutes to prepare points to support or oppose the other candidates’ views. After listening to everyone in the group, candidates will make a conclusion based on their topic. The group will be given 10 minutes for the group discussion. For reading test, candidates will be required to answer the questions that comprises 45 multiple choice questions based on the texts which may be taken from journals, newspapers or magazines sources. Lastly for writing test, candidates will be required to write 2 essays.This paper comprises two writing tasks that are interpretation of information based on specific stimuli provided and extended writing based on a given topic. Secondly, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an examination specially designed to assess a candidate’s competency in the English language for university studies. The IELTS examination is recognised by universities in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. IELTS also conforms to the highest to the highest international standards of language assessment.Its purpose is to find out what level band of English from 0-9. Usually people need to take the IELTS test if applying for a job or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking or the immigrants. There are two modules of the IELTS test which are academic and general. The academic module is for the future students and for the general module is or immigrants. Besides, the format for IELTS is same as MUET which include four tests which are reading, writing, speaking and listening. The listening test takes about 40 minutes.The 30 minutes early for listen to a tape and to answer questions on what you hear and then 10 minutes left to transfer answers to the answer sheet. Next, reading test takes one hour and the task is to read passages of text and answer questions according to what you have read. Then, the writing test that also takes one hour and divided into two sub part. The first 20 minutes for write a letter or report and other 40 minutes to write an essay. The last one is speaking test that takes up to 15 minutes and consists of three parts which are personal interview, cue card talk and discus sion.In additional, all the test is continue one after another but for the speaking test get a break or been held on a different day. In conclusion, IELTS is much better compare with MUET. This is because the benefits of taking IELTS are many. If we like to study in world class universities like The Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of Bridgeport, University of California Berkeley, San Francisco State University we must take IELTS. Once we are graduated from any of these universities, our career begins with a fantastic position heading toward a bright future.Moreover, we will get exposed to the best intellectual as well as socio-economic environment that would nurture outstanding personality in us. Thus, we can find a dramatic change in our intellectual, professional and financial spheres. Further, we can have access to employment abroad by writing the IELTS General Module. We can enjoy incredible lifestyle and financial security if we are employed in the United Ki ngdom, Australia or New Zealand and the most important we can gain access to on-going support from some of the world’s leading language assessment experts.Although IELTS is more tough compare to MUET but we still can work harder to success as English proverb says ‘it doesn’t kill you make you stronger’. For many years, English has been the common wold-wide language, and it will be in the future. For this reason, if you want to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization of the developing world, you have to know English whatever age you are in. ?